The Dutch Neurofederation Ph.D. Thesis Prize was created by the board of the Dutch Neurofederation at the suggestion of the Friends of the Neurofederation and is meant as an encouragement for young neuroscientists. The prize is presented during the last day of the Dutch Neuroscience Meeting.
The winner receives an amount of 1000 EUR to be spent as one sees fit.
The competition is open to candidates with a doctorate degree from a Dutch university dating 2015, with a neuroscience-oriented Ph.D. thesis. Candidates must be member of the Neurofederation and may either apply themselves or be proposed by their (co-)supervisor. Requirements: a letter of recommendation by the candidate's (co-)supervisor, 3 hard-copies of the thesis, each presented with the letter of recommendation, and a PDF version of the thesis.
The quality will be assessed along the following criteria:
Award procedure
A selection committee will advise the board of the Friends of the Dutch Neurofederation to decide the winner of the Ph.D. Thesis prize. The selection procedure is confidential and the results are not open to debate. The name of the winner is announced during the presentation ceremony. Check also the online programme.
Time frame
Dr Helmut Kessels, secretary of Friends of the Dutch Neurofederation, Netherlands Inst. Neuroscience, Meibergdreef 47, 1105BA Amsterdam
The DN Meeting will continue its tradition of putting Top Science in the spotlight.
The aim is to present recent work performed by scientists, preferably in The Netherlands.
The work must have been published in 2015 in a top journal and be of interest to a broad (DN) audience.
Selection committee
A small committee will examine all proposals received. Papers will be selected using the provided information describing the importance of the research and the interest for a broad audience.
Award procedure
The first authors of the two best articles will be invited to present their work at the Top Science session scheduled on Thursday, 9 June 2016.
There will be 2 prizes of 250 EUR each.
You are strongly encouraged to submit your nominees to the Chair of the DN Top Science Committee, Prof. Dr. A. Kalsbeek, by e-mail ( before 18 April 2016.
The DN Organising Committee always appreciates high-quality and well-designed posters. Therefore the DN Organizing Committee will hand out two poster prizes per poster session: a total of 4 poster prizes.
There will be 4 prizes of 250 euros each.
Selection committee
The DN Poster Award Committee will examine all posters during lunch time. Posters will be judged on scientific content as well as on their quality of presentation.
Award procedure
For the poster session on Thursday 9 June 2016, the poster prizes will be presented during dinner. For the poster session on Friday 10 June 2016, the poster prizes will be presented before the last plenary lecture of the day.
The DN Organising Committee finds it important that young talents will also have the opportunity to share their research with all the DN participants. Therefore the DN Organising Committee made a plenary session available for one young talented scientist. The selected young talent will be honored with the DN Young Talent Prize 2016.
The winner receives 500 Euro.
Selection committee
The Young Talent Award Committee selected 3 potential candidates based on the following criteria: receiving a VENI (or similar) grant, publication record, experience abroad and being awarded by other prizes. These candidates were proposed to the DN Programme Committee, who finally decided on the winner of the Young Talent Prize 2016.
Award procedure
The Young Talent Prize winner will be invited to make a presentation at the Young Talent session scheduled on Friday, 10 June 2016. This session will be followed by an award ceremony.
The Dutch Neuroscience Meeting provides free day passes to selected Master students. Please check the Information page for details.